
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oak Park Hates Veggies

Someone took their own little plot of land and decided to grow veggies on it! That’s a brilliant idea! Someone should have thought of it before! Oh wait, they did! Our ancestors … (Yes, I know. I too use too many exclamation points but at least I use capitalization.)

In this day when money is tight for everyone, and we’re all trying to get back to our “roots” so to speak, there’s not a thing wrong with using whatever little bit of land we have. But I’m with a few others here, there’s a way to make it look aesthetically a little more pleasing to your neighbors. I myself have raised flower beds, but then again they’re made of stucco and brick, not 2 x 4s.

But that’s not the point here, is it? The point, as I see it, is that a government official (or three) have decided they have eminent domain over Julie’s lawn.So what we have now is a bunch of bureaucrats posturing because if they back down they’ll lose face. How about this… if they don’t back down they just might lose the next election! This is a political standoff in which the only clear winner can be Julie! If she loses her court case, a good percentage of the population will be sympathetic with her and the cameras will be rolling as she bulldozes her vegetable beds. If she wins … well then she gets to claim “winner!”

Either way Julie, I’ve put you on my blog and hope more people show some moral support. This is a silly waste of tax payers valuable money.

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1 comment:

  1. I just read about this a couple of days ago. My feelings were, "Wow, this could've happened to me!" I have a garden in the back, but a few years ago, I didn't and planted a couple of tomato plants in my front yard walkway. I wasn't expecting them to get a big as they did. I'm glad my neighbors were all understanding, and we didn't have any officials that came down our street with some type of agenda! Of course, I shared with everyone, so they didn't report me :)
    I've been reading over your last few posts. You're very good at writing!
